Innovera Yakov: The Journey of A Thousand Eyes
Kia Garriques
Publication date: February 14th 2013
Genre: YA Fantasy
Be prepared to immerse your self in a world where falling in love could cost you your life and nothing is as it seems.
Innovera Yakov – The Journey of A Thousand Eyes is the first installment in an action-packed fantasy drama where characters with powers of healing and destruction live, love, compete and disappear without a trace while they are being prepared for the Journey.
What is the Journey? What happens to the ones who do not return? What unspeakable, stomach-churning things can happen to them there?
Even Ayana the Great Healer, Krave ‘The Golden One’ and the powerful Blu Tara are terrified of it.

Kia Garriques studied writing and English literature at University and has been a published short story writer since 2009. Her first story “The Invisible Alien Watcher” was published by Micro Horror in 2009 and reprinted by Pill Hill Press in 2011. Innovera Yakov: The Journey of a Thousand Eyes – is her first novel in the ‘Worlds’ series and will be out on amazon mid February. visit www.kiagarriques.com/books to read the first chapter.

I am organizing a book blitz for Innovera Yakov: The Journey of A Thousand Eyes by Kia Garriques–a YA Fantasy novel. The blitz runs from March 23rd to March 31st, you may post anytime during this window. There will be an interview available for your post, and every participant will be able to host a giveaway if you wish.
An email with complete post info including promo items and giveaway details will be emailed to all participants the week before the blitz.