Books and a girl dancing

Open Book Blitz

Adult, Dystopian, Science Fiction
Blitz Sign-Up: Transference by Ian Patterson

Blitz Sign-Up: Transference by Ian Patterson

Nicholas Fiveboroughs is a Sicko, someone that takes on others’ illnesses. In a city where diseases can be transferred, the rich buy longer lives without pain, and the poor get a short life of constant sickness. Maybe it was fate, or maybe someone is looking out for him, but after Nicholas barely survives his latest

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Adult, Contemporary, Dark Romance, Romance
Blitz Sign-Up: Look, Don’t Touch by Meg Everly

Blitz Sign-Up: Look, Don’t Touch by Meg Everly

The scars you see are only the beginning. Hailey Fitzpatrick When people see me walking on a New York City sidewalk, they think mousey b*tch and stuck-up c*nt. How do I know? It’s NYC. They yell it to my face. I smile to myself and keep walking. After all, I have clients that need me.

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Adult, Mystery
Blitz Sign-Up: A Hush at Midnight by Marlene M. Bell

Blitz Sign-Up: A Hush at Midnight by Marlene M. Bell

Former Celebrity Chef Laura Harris used to be famous for her show-stopping pastries and mouth-watering desserts. Now, she’s attracting a different kind of attention. Laura’s been accused of murder. But how could this petite pastry chef brutally smother small-town matriarch Hattie Stenburg to death? And what could be her motive? Hattie was beloved in her

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Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Blitz Sign-Up: The Roots Beneath Us by Joey Jones

Blitz Sign-Up: The Roots Beneath Us by Joey Jones

Fate brought them together. Their pasts tried to tear them apart. Leaving behind a career filled with danger and secrets, Piper Luck arrives in Duck, North Carolina, on her fortieth birthday, determined to build a new life. Starting with The Roots Beneath Us, a local course her friend and father figure swore would transform her,

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Adult, Science Fiction
Blitz Sign-Up: Whiskey and Warfare by E.M. Hamill

Blitz Sign-Up: Whiskey and Warfare by E.M. Hamill

Universe, help anyone who tells them they’re too old to kick somebody’s ass. GOLDEN GIRLS meets FIREFLY in this rollicking space opera adventure. Maryn Alessi retired from mercenary service after her last assignment went horribly sideways and settled down on a quiet planet with the love of her life. Unexpectedly widowed, Maryn must fulfill a

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Adult, Fantasy, Romance
Blitz Sign-Up: The Kingdom of Shadows and Wolves by Martha Sweeney

Blitz Sign-Up: The Kingdom of Shadows and Wolves by Martha Sweeney

Being raised by the viper who slaughtered my family, along with being beaten and berated by him for merely existing, takes a toll on my heart and soul. Uncle bears the crown, has changed the name of our kingdom Soare to Krigare, and desires more destruction throughout the Fae lands. While plotting his quest to

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Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance, Sports
Blitz Sign-Up: Penalties and Proposals by Anne Kemp

Blitz Sign-Up: Penalties and Proposals by Anne Kemp

It only takes one bad apple to ruin the bunch. When life hands me reformed hockey star Noah Beaumont, AGAIN, am I supposed to make cider or is there a sweeter surprise in store? Willa: I never wanted to see Noah Beaumont again. EVER. When I kicked him off my set after he showed up

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Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance, Sports
Blitz Sign-Up: Love at First Skate by Ellie Hall

Blitz Sign-Up: Love at First Skate by Ellie Hall

They say love is messy. Turns out friendship is too, especially when you’re stranded in a cabin with your best friend and hearts are on thin ice. Teddy I’ve heard that men and women can’t be friends without it becoming something more. Harlow and I put that theory in the penalty box, thank you very

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Adult, Romance, Time-Travel
Blitz Sign-Up: Soul Love by D.F. Jones

Blitz Sign-Up: Soul Love by D.F. Jones

From USA Today bestselling author D.F. Jones comes Soul Love, a mesmerizing tale of past lives, time travel, and an unbreakable bond that transcends time itself. What if a simple dinner invitation could change your life forever? When Summer Jewel accepts a dinner invitation from her enigmatic new neighbor, her world is turned upside down.

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Adult, Thriller
Blitz Sign-Up: If You Lie: A Thriller by Caleb Stephens

Blitz Sign-Up: If You Lie: A Thriller by Caleb Stephens

A buried past. A new-age cult. A floating prison with no way off. Seven years ago, Olivia woke up in the trunk of a stranger’s car—and barely escaped with her life. She’s been looking over her shoulder ever since. Now, Olivia is a true-crime podcaster on a mission to help other women avoid her fate.

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Adult, LGBTQ+, Retelling, Steampunk
Blitz Sign-Up: CINDER31LA by Freida Kilmari

Blitz Sign-Up: CINDER31LA by Freida Kilmari

I have 22,280 days left to live. She only has 31. Here in Clepsydra, everyone knows when they’re going to die. Born with a life clock embedded into our wrists, the tick-tock of our heartbeat is a pulse we’ll forever hear. Steambotics rule number one? Never mess with a life clock. For 21 years of

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Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance, Sports
Blitz Sign-Up: The Parent Playbook by Elsie Wood

Blitz Sign-Up: The Parent Playbook by Elsie Wood

I don’t know when dad jokes and mismatched socks became my type, but that hockey dude skated into my life like a runaway puck… and I think I like it. Angel: I know I should be thankful that my charity was selected by the Ice Breakers hockey team. It’ll make a huge difference in children’s

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Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Blitz Sign-Up: State of Union by Paula Dombrowiak

Blitz Sign-Up: State of Union by Paula Dombrowiak

Our marriage could make or break us… Letting go of billionaire playboy Darren Walker was the right thing to do. My life as a former escort will only damage his campaign for congress, and I’m too scared to admit I’ve fallen in love with my fake husband. Except when Darren finds me and refuses to

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Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance, Sports
Blitz Sign-Up: Love in Overtime by Melissa Baldwin

Blitz Sign-Up: Love in Overtime by Melissa Baldwin

Playing hockey in Maple Falls was meant to be just a charity gig, but then my new publicist showed up, melting the ice—and my heart. Cooper I never anticipated being roped into a charity hockey game during the off-season. But here I am, heading to Maple Falls, all because my publicist decided to retire. Change

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Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance, Sports
Blitz Sign-Up: The Friend Face Off by Grace Worthington

Blitz Sign-Up: The Friend Face Off by Grace Worthington

Getting involved with your brother’s best friend is risky enough. But when he’s a hockey player? It’s a whole new level of bad idea. As a ravenous reader, I’ve got a secret: I’m obsessed with hockey romances. But let me tell you, real life hockey players are nothing like my book boyfriends. So I threw

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Adult, Fantasy, Romance
Blitz Sign-Up: Elements & the Fae by Jillian Beane

Blitz Sign-Up: Elements & the Fae by Jillian Beane

Dirrin is gone, but who took his books? And why? Cleaning up after the last battle and establishing the newly formed Council of Erist is hard enough, but when Dirrin’s books turn up missing and a chunk of obsidian with a strangely familiar magical signature is found, how will Suleima and her friends figure this

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Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance, Sports
Blitz Sign-Up: The Rebound Play by Kate O’Keeffe

Blitz Sign-Up: The Rebound Play by Kate O’Keeffe

If you get a second chance at love with your hockey star ex, should you take it? Keira What do you do when your NHL superstar ex skates back into your small town? Drop to the ground and hide behind the bleachers, hoping he doesn’t see you. But Lady Luck must be in a bad

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Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance, Sports
Blitz Sign-Up: Breaking the Ice by Whitney Dineen

Blitz Sign-Up: Breaking the Ice by Whitney Dineen

What do an entitled billionaire and small-town ice-skating coach have in common? Ellie My life is not turning out like I thought it would. My mom’s arthritis has gotten so bad that I had to move in with her. I’m making ends meet by giving ice skating lessons at the arena in Maple Falls. I’d

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Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Blitz Sign-Up: Somebody To Love by Mariah Ankenman

Blitz Sign-Up: Somebody To Love by Mariah Ankenman

Penny Williams is a lot of things; intelligent, shy, socially awkward, but the one thing she wants to be most is a mother. Unfortunately, she’s never been very lucky in the dating world. Men rarely go for quiet nerds, but that won’t stop her. Being an independent woman of the 21st century, she decides to

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Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance
Blitz Sign-Up: Mr. Absolutely Not! by Alina Jacobs

Blitz Sign-Up: Mr. Absolutely Not! by Alina Jacobs

Armed with comfy pants, overpriced coffee, and a highly anxious emotional-support corgi, I prepare to face him. Corporate boss. Villain. Salinger Svensson.  I step into his office. His perfect mouth twists into a sneer. There is no heart of gold beneath that suit, just a big black pit. He’s a shark in the frothy waters

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Adult, Historical
Blitz Sign-Up: In the Time of Spirits by Beth Ford

Blitz Sign-Up: In the Time of Spirits by Beth Ford

An epic adventure through the world of the nineteenth-century spiritualist movement. In 1890, Addy Cohart is determined to defy convention and remain unmarried-until she meets William Fairley, a psychic medium who gives her hope as she grieves the sudden death of her parents. Addy becomes a devotee of the spiritualist movement, but as she takes

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Urban Fantasy, Young Adult
Blitz Sign-Up: Seeing Gray by C.E. Brown

Blitz Sign-Up: Seeing Gray by C.E. Brown

Celestials have been killing Seers for centuries, as prophesy states that a Seer will overthrow Celestial rule. Worried for Zoey’s safety, her parents forbid her from registering as a Seer and interacting with the Celestials, Fae, and Demons who hide among humankind. Zoey is forced to wear a necklace that hides magic from her and

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Urban Fantasy, Young Adult
Blitz Sign-Up: Spellcaster Wild Card by Nikki Jefford

Blitz Sign-Up: Spellcaster Wild Card by Nikki Jefford

Win the game. Change the world. Winning the show means living forever. It is the golden ticket to fame, fortune, and a place among the vampire elite. Being remade isn’t on my wish list. I like being me, and with nearly a million online followers, it’s working. My parents and big sister are the do-gooders

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Fantasy, Young Adult
Blitz Sign-Up: The Discovery of Magic by L.J. Evias

Blitz Sign-Up: The Discovery of Magic by L.J. Evias

Transported to an ancient realm of magic and mystery, can a young woman survive scheming royals, shifting alliances, and impending war? Alice Harper yearns to determine her own fate. Desperate to change her parents’ minds about moving away from everything she knows, the gifted archer sets out to win a coveted scholarship. But the seventeen-year-old

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