The Girl Guide: Finding Your Place in a Mixed-Up World
Christine Fonseca
Publication date: May 1st 2013
by Prufrock Press
Genre: Teen Non Fiction
“The Girl Guide is a game-changer and should be in every girl’s backpack.” ~ Ali Cross, author of the Desolation series
Finding your unique voice in a noisy world can be hard—very hard. But not if you have a great guide! The Girl Guide: Finding Your Place in a Mixed-Up World is a must-read for girls in grades 6–8 as they enter the tumultuous world of adolescence. Packed with fun worksheets and quizzes, as well as stories from older girls and women, The Girl Guide covers everything a teenage girl needs to know on the journey toward her own identity. Proven strategies for dealing with stress management, confronting relational aggression, being safe online, navigating the changing mother-daughter relationship, and more make this the ultimate guide for any girl to get through the teen years and discover her unique point of view in the world.

Critically acclaimed nonfiction and YA author Christine Fonseca is dedicated to helping children of all ages find their voice in the world. Drawing on her expertise as an educational psychologist, her nonfiction titles address issues of emotional intensity, resiliency and giftedness. In fiction, she explores the darker aspects of humanity and delivers gothic thrillers that take you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. In life, she teaches her own children to embrace their unique talents and find their voice by being a force of positive change in the world.
When she’s not writing or developing programs to support children with exceptional needs, she can be found spending time with her family, sipping too many skinny vanilla lattes at her favorite coffee house or playing around on Facebook and Twitter.

I am organizing a book blitz for The Girl Guide by Christine Fonseca, a non fiction novel for teens. The blitz runs from May 14th to May 28th, you may post anytime during this window. There will be excerpts and guest posts/interviews available for your post, and there will be a Rafflecopter grand prize giveaway to share on your blog if you’d like (there will be an entry to follow your blog).