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Tour: In the Fading Light by Tara Brown

In the Fading Light
Tara Brown
Publication date: February 20th 2014
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult

Goodreads B&N Amazon

Separated by a curse but bound by love.

In the fading light of the night, their eyes meet where their lips cannot. It is a single second that sustains their love.
From the moment her eyes met his, Estelle Dumont was captivated. Her heart would always be his.

But Edmond Lamont’s heart wasn’t entirely hers. He had been in love once before, tricked by the fair beauty of an Encantado named Lisle.

Desperate to rid themselves of the curse she placed upon them, they must decide just how far they are willing to go. They must decide if their love is more important than their lives.

But how far is too far and what cost is too much?


About the Author

I am not going to talk in the third person. It feels weird.
I am a Bestselling author of Contemporary and Paranormal Romance but my true passion is my Post Apocalyptic and Fantasy novels. I write a lot of books and jump Genres a lot. Mostly because I think I have Writers ADD, I like to call it WADD. It might be a real thing.
I write New Adult, my books have sexual content (Heck yes) and Swearing. You have been warned. Now enjoy!

I have a beagle named Buster, a husband who I force to read everything I write and two girls who want so badly to be a character in my books. And not in that order.

I am mid thirties so be prepared for the chick lit novel this year. I am calling it my Ode to my Midlife Crisis.
I have been writing since I was old enough to lie. So for some time.

Welcome to my world. Please enjoy the ride.

The Tour

February 24th
We Do Write >> Interview
My Seryniti  >> Excerpt

February 25th
Been There, Read That, Reviewed The Book >> Excerpt
-Emma Michaels’ Blog >> Excerpt
Nicky Peacock Author >> Excerpt

February 26th
My Book Addiction >> Excerpt

February 27th
Pieces of Whimsy >> Interview
Sex and The Books >> Excerpt
Butterfly-o-Meter Books >> Guest Post

February 28th

March 3rd
Fae Books >> Excerpt
Taking It One Book at a Time >> Excerpt
Bookish Treasures >> Excerpt

March 4th
Ebook Escapes >> Guest Post
Shayna Varadeaux Books & Reviews >> Excerpt

March 5th
fuonlyknew >> Playlist

March 6th
Never Judge a Book by it’s Movie >> Excerpt
Booky Ramblings of a Neurotic Mom >> Excerpt

March 7th
Mom With A Kindle  >> Interview
Resch Reads and Reviews >> Excerpt

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