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Cover Reveal Sign-Up: The Cartagena Cartel by T.C. Roberts

The Cartagena Cartel
T.C. Roberts
(The Misadventures of a Modern-Day Nomad, #2)
Publication date: August 15th 2024
Genres: Adult, Crime, Humor

Archie, a heartbroken young man who has skipped bail, embarks on his first adventure as a wannabe digital nomad. Seeking new beginnings in the romantic old town of Cartagena, Colombia, he hopes to find love once more. But Cartagena is far from the idyllic escape he envisioned.

Instead, Archie attracts all the wrong kinds of trouble, hitting rock bottom in a foreign land, completely broke. Alone and desperate, he strikes a risky deal with a charming local street hustler, Christian, hoping to impress the enigmatic “Pocahontas” who could be his only saviour to make it out of Cartagena alive.


I am organizing a cover reveal for The Cartagena Cartel by T.C. Roberts, an Adult Crime/Humor/Men’s Adventure novel. The reveal is scheduled for Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024 (after 12:01AM EST). Social media sites are welcome.

An email with the posting information will be sent to all participants 2 days before the reveal.
HTML will also be provided.