Books and a girl dancing

Book Makeover Release: Silent Screams by M . H . B

Silent Screams
Publication date: September 19th 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

One accident.
Two men.
Almost three years of despair.
Four beating hearts growing in pain.
Five lives forever changed.

Everything fell apart in the blink of an eye.

These days my own misery keeps me company.

I never thought this would be me—a twenty-four-year-old—stuck in a dead-end relationship.

Gone are the thrilling adventures with Harvey Stark.
Gone is his smile.
Gone is the sight of his dimples and the sparkle in his bright blue eyes.

He’s changed into a hollow version of himself and I’m just a shadow following him around our home.

Then I meet my new boss. Damon Dreygon challenges me in ways I never knew existed and makes me believe in myself again. Our souls match instantly, and meeting Damon feels like a step towards peace.

Except it’s not. Because everyone grieves differently.

While one man refuses to touch me, the other won’t love me.

And I’m crawling through the crippling chaos, barely holding on . . .


I am organizing a cover reveal for the book makeover release of Silent Screams by M . H . B (originally published as Kisser of Death), an Adult Contemporary Romance novel. The reveal is scheduled for Thursday, September 19th, 2024 (after 12:01AM EST). Social media sites are welcome.

An email with the posting information will be sent to all participants 2 days before the reveal.
HTML will also be provided.