Books and a girl dancing

Falling For Books Giveaway!

Genres: Giveaway!

Fall is my FAVORITE season by far! Pumpkin spice, sweaters, Halloween, and pretty colors – what’s not to love? Plus it’s a great season for reading bundled up next to a fire, and I’m going to help you do just that with a great giveaway for Amazon gift cards!

Plus did you know we’re now on INSTAGRAM? Whoot! Check us out and we’ll love you back! <3

This giveaway is not exclusive to tour hosts or reviewers, though, but you do get extra entries if you participate in our events!

What’s up for grabs:

$150 Amazon Gift Card

A $50 Amazon Gift Card


Giveaway ends November 30th, 2024 (I like to give enough time to take the full advantage of the participation entries)
Use the Rafflecopter below to enter
a Rafflecopter giveaway