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Cover Reveal Sign-Up: Beautiful Dark Temptation by Roxas Winters

Beautiful Dark Temptation
Roxas Winters
Published by: Evernight Publishing
Publication date: September 27th 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Dark Romance, LGBTQ+, Romance


I’ve lost everything.

Forced into a prison masking as a school, I find myself in the crosshairs of more than one killer. My savior? The arrogant prick who wants to control me. Kieran is a nightmare wrapped in a seductive package and when he sets his sights on me I don’t know whether to fight him or kiss him.


I am the eldest bastard of one of the four founders of Arcadia University, and I will do anything to see my family fall.

The secrets I’ve kept hidden behind my heart now threaten to bury me alive with the arrival of Tomás. He consumes my space, my thoughts, my nightmares. I hate him for how he makes me feel. This toxic attraction between us forces me to question what matters most—vengeance, power, love. But Tomas doesn’t fit into my world of lies and violence and I’m not ready to lose it all for a beautiful dark temptation.


I am organizing a cover reveal for Beautiful Dark Temptation by Roxas Winters, an Adult, Dark, Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Mafia, Romance. The reveal is scheduled for Thursday, August 22nd, 2024 (after 12:01AM EST). Social media sites are welcome.

An email with the posting information will be sent to all participants 2 days before the reveal.
HTML will also be provided.