Books and a girl dancing

Review Opportunity: Dissolution by Lee S. Hawke

Lee S. Hawke
Publication date: March 25th 2016
Genres: Dystopian, New Adult


What would you sell yourself for?

Madeline knows. She’s spent the last eighteen years impatiently waiting for her Auctioning so she can sell herself to MERCE Solutions Limited for a hundred thousand credits. But when the Auctioneer fails to call her and two suits show up at her doorstep, Madeline discovers there are far worse bargains to be made.

So when your loved ones are in danger, there’s a bounty on your head and your entire city might turn out to be a lie… what would you sell yourself for?





You can now request a review copy of Dissolution by Lee S. Hawke, a New Adult Dystopian novella. Reviews should be posted by June 20th. Review copies will be in ebook format.

Word count: 39.8k / Heat level: low/non-existent

–Please only request if you are truly interested in reviewing.
–If you don’t blog but you post reviews on other platforms (Facebook, Goodreads etc), you can still request!
–Not all requests may get approved.
–This is not a blog tour; if approved for a copy, you choose your own day to post your review.
–Please cross-post your review on Amazon, Goodreads, and B&N if possible.

Request a review copy here!