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Review Opportunity: Defective by B. Austin

B. Austin
(Outcast, #1)
Publication date: August 13th 2016
Genres: Dystopian, Young Adult


In a society where rebels are unwanted, the Outcasts have their own underground world.

What type of society applies the word Defective to healthy young humans?

IT IS ALMOST A PERFECT WORLD. One government rules earth—the Commonwealth and one people—the Commoners. The pure society of the Commonwealth has but one contamination, the 1%, the Outcasts—rebellious kids and young adults who for some puzzling reason cannot or will not conform.

When Dante’s girlfriend vanishes like thousands of other Outcasts before her, he enlists the aid of friends to find her. They discover the shocking secret of what extreme the Commonwealth of Earth will go to ensure that Outcasts reform and obey the rules!



You can now request a review copy of Defective by B. Austin, a YA Dystopian novel. Reviews should be posted by August 25th. Review copies will be in ebook format.

Page count: 164 pages

–Please only request if you are truly interested in reviewing.
–If you don’t blog but you post reviews on other platforms (Facebook, Goodreads etc), you can still request!
–Not all requests may get approved.
–This is not a blog tour; if approved for a copy, you choose your own day to post your review.
–Please cross-post your review on Amazon, Goodreads, and B&N if possible.

Request a review copy here!