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Cover Reveal Sign-Up: Bride of the Mountain King by Misty Malkasian

Bride of the Mountain King
Misty Malkasian
(Kings of Starfall, #1)
Publication date: March 29th 2024
Genres: Fantasy, Romance, Young Adult

Goodreads Amazon

She must wed a powerful ally to save her kingdom. But a terrifying ghost king steals her instead.

Princess Liosa keeps half of her face hidden under a curtain of hair. She must wed to save her kingdom from the looming threat of attack by the Rose Court, but if a future husband ever found out the truth of her face, she could lose both her kingdom and her life.

But on the day she’s supposed to choose from a room full of suitors, a terrifying king arises from underground and steals her away to the Hollow Deep—and he may be worse than all the other suitors combined. He may not even be alive.

Liosa, now a queen of a strange kingdom she’d never known existed, must navigate its perils as she struggles with her terrifying new surroundings and marriage. Unsure of herself and petrified beyond what she’d ever imagined, she grapples with the same question she’s asked herself her whole life: why has the Great One chosen to inflict so much suffering on her? Hasn’t she suffered enough?

As she finds herself drawn deeper into her husband’s world, she learns of deadly goings-on in the Hollow Deep, plans that could set into motion a chain of cataclysmic events in Starfall. She must decide if she wants to remain terrified and useless, or if perhaps the Great One brought her to the Hollow Deep for a reason after all.

She only wonders—why did the Mountain King choose her? And can she ever love a creature made of mist?

With a new take on fae fantasy and an undercurrent of faith, Kings of Starfall is a connected series of clean standalone romances with their own happily-ever-after, leading up to a single cataclysmic event that must be stopped before the entire world falls to ruin.

Perfect for fans of Beauty and the Beast and Sylvia Mercedes’ The Moonfire Bride, prepare to be swept into the dark and glittering world of Starfall…


I am organizing a cover reveal for Bride of the Mountain King by Misty Malkasian, a YA Fantasy Romance novel. The reveal is scheduled for Monday, January 29th, 2024 (after 12:01AM EST). Social media sites are welcome.

An email with the posting information will be sent to all participants 3 days before the reveal.
HTML will also be provided.