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Bookstagram Tour Sign-Up: Fix Me When I Fall by Zoe Forward

Fix Me When I Fall
Zoe Forward
Publication date: September 23rd 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Goodreads B&N Amazon Kobo

I never should’ve agreed to do Ryan Brandt.
I know it’s best I never see him again. He ruined my everything. My career. My heart.

I have little choice when his movie career implodes from one too many PR fiascoes. I’ve been assigned to spin his disasters and makeover his life. If I don’t, my life in the career fixing business is over.

Now his intensity and seductive scheming are set on me. I refuse to cave to it.

Mackensie Parker is mine. I forgot until she burst into my life full of accusations that my smoking hot action movie career was about to crash.
I never should have touched her. Falling for her will ruin my life. Again.

There’s too much at stake. The problem is our chemistry is instant. Combustible. Something neither of us can resist. Before I know it, she’s under my skin.


The Tour

I’m organizing a Bookstagram Tour for Fix Me When I Fall by Zoe Forward, an Adult Contemporary Romance novel. There are 15 spots on this tour which will run from October 7th to October 18th, 2024. Posts will consist of reviews and spotlights. Hosts will receive a print copy (US only) to read/review as well as use for an aesthetic Instagram photo. If you prefer an ebook copy that’s fine, too.⁣ You will need to take/create your own photo for these tours. Caption may be provided, but we encourage you to create your own.