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Blitz Sign-Up: Second Time Charmed by Maggie Blake

Second Time Charmed
Maggie Blake
(Rendezvous at Midlife, #2)
Publication date: August 28th 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Women’s Fiction

Goodreads Amazon

Sometimes a second chance is all we need.

When Margot Whitley receives devastating news, she keeps it a secret from everyone, determined to maintain her newfound commitment to herself and her career. Having to overcome obstacles as an independent businesswoman, and not wanting to bother anyone else, she feels she can handle it on her own. However, when Margot’s daughter, Callie, and best friend, Susie, sense that something is off and become determined to uncover what Margot is concealing, her secret unravels.

Vaughn Jameson, the love of Margot’s life, currently touring with his rock band, also sensing a change in Margot, decides to head to Los Angeles and check on her between concerts. From the moment Vaughn shows up on that fateful day at Margot’s, a story full of sacrifice, loyalty, and newfound destiny unfolds.

In life, we encounter unexpected twists and turns, surprising opportunities, and occasionally, second chances.

Can also be read as a standalone.


I’m organizing a release blitz for Second Time Charmed by Maggie Blake, an Adult Women’s Fiction novel. The blitz will run from September 1st to September 7th, 2024, you can post on any day during this window. There will be excerpts available for your post, and every participant will be able to post the blitz-wide giveaway if you wish – giveaway prize(s) courtesy of author. Social media sites are welcome.

An email with the complete post info including promo items and giveaway details will be sent to all participants on August 30th.
HTML will also be provided.


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