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Blitz Sign-Up: A Montana Feud by Jim Overstreet

A Montana Feud
Jim Overstreet
(Rodeo in the Blood, #3)
Publication date: August 1st 2024
Genres: Adult, Western

Goodreads Amazon

A Montana Feud brings back all the rugged and passionate characters of the Rodeo in the Blood series for another drama-filled adventure. Fans of thrilling rodeo rides and the complexities of human relationships will find this story absorbing.

During the pandemic shortened 2020 rodeo season, former rivals, Rusty Blackstone and Warren Weston, join forces to pursue their rodeo dreams. At a rodeo in Chinook, Montana, Rusty accidentally reignites a dormant feud between his father and rodeo producer Jake Augustine. Rusty is lucky to survive the ensuing turmoil.

Meanwhile, Warren battles his ex-wife, Jenny, for a portion of his rightful inheritance. Throughout, Rusty, Warren, and Jenny struggle with the new arrangement to share their son, Todd. Warren battles to care for his invalid mother. Unexpected violence mars Rusty and Amanda’s horseback wedding.

Harlan, the only man they all trust, does his best to help them through everything.


I’m organizing a book blitz for A Montana Feud by Jim Overstreet, an Adult Western novel. The blitz will run from September 23rd to September 27th, 2024, you can post on any day during this window. There will be excerpts available for your post, and every participant will be able to post the blitz-wide giveaway if you wish – giveaway prize(s) courtesy of author. Social media sites are welcome.

An email with the complete post info including promo items and giveaway details will be sent to all participants on September 20th.
HTML will also be provided.