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Blitz Sign-Up: Whiskey and Warfare by E.M. Hamill

Whiskey and Warfare
E.M. Hamill
(The Team Huntress Flights, #1)
Publication date: September 15th 2024
Genres: Adult, Science Fiction

Goodreads Amazon

Running on caffeine and spite with nothing left to prove.

Maryn Alessi retired from mercenary service after her last assignment went horribly sideways and settled down on a quiet planet with the love of her life. Unexpectedly widowed, Maryn must fulfill a promise to return her mate’s ashes to zer home planet for funeral rites, but a brutal civil war has destabilized space travel.

Former Artemis Corps sisters-in-arms and their sassy ship, the Golden Girl, are up to the task, counting on luck and their rather sketchy cargo business to get Maryn passage through the contested star lanes. But when the crew of the Girl rescues survivors of a ruthless war crime, Maryn and her ride-or-die friends must take up their old profession to save the lives of innocents from a genocidal dictator.

WHISKEY AND WARFARE is the first of The Team Huntress Flights.


I’m organizing a release blitz for Whiskey and Warfare by E.M. Hamill, an Adult Space Opera Adventure novel. The blitz will run from September 15th to September 19th, 2024, you can post on any day during this window. There will be excerpts available for your post, and every participant will be able to post the blitz-wide giveaway if you wish – giveaway prize(s) courtesy of author. Social media sites are welcome. ARCs are also available for blitz participants.

An email with the complete post info including promo items and giveaway details will be sent to all participants on September 13th.
HTML will also be provided.


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