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Blitz Sign-Up: Enduring Promise by Susanna Lane

Enduring Promise
Susanna Lane
Publication date: October 8th 2024
Genres: Adult, Historical

Goodreads Amazon

Can Love Survive the Trials of Fidelity?

After a failed romance in Texas, Bryce Enders has carved out a new life in the harsh wastes of Montana’s gold fields. But when a newspaper headline reveals the wild escapades of his younger brother, Bryce’s path takes an unexpected turn. He heads for Ogallala, Nebraska, where he’s shocked to find Cort not only married, but thriving as the owner of a sprawling cattle ranch.

While their reunion is far from smooth, the brothers quickly rediscover their old affection for one another and Cort offers Bryce a job on the ranch. As he settles into his new life, though, Bryce becomes entangled in a new set of troubles-this time of the heart. His growing affection for Hannah May, a neighbor struggling to keep her ranch afloat, soon becomes impossible to ignore. But there’s a catch. She’s already married to a brute who abandoned her for the lure of gold. Torn between his sense of honor and his undeniable feelings for Hannah, Bryce faces a dilemma as old as time.

Hannah, too, is trapped between her steadfast Christian values and the harsh reality of her situation. Despite her husband’s cruelty, her sacred vows keep her tethered to a man who may well be dead. Yet, Bryce’s determination to free her only deepens the conflict, as a dark secret from his past emerges to haunt him.

Knowing their futures depend on resolving this standoff, Bryce and Cort embark on a perilous journey back to the gold fields. What they find will test their brotherhood, challenge their resolve, and ignite a conflict with Hannah’s husband neither could foresee.


I’m organizing a release week blitz for Enduring Promise by Susanna Lane, an Adult Historical Fiction novel. The blitz will run from October 8th to October 12th, 2024, you can post on any day during this window. There will be excerpts available for your post, and every participant will be able to post the blitz-wide giveaway if you wish – giveaway prize(s) courtesy of author. Social media sites are welcome.

An email with the complete post info including promo items and giveaway details will be sent to all participants on October 4th.
HTML will also be provided.