Books and a girl dancing

Tag: Jessie Donovan

Adult, Comedy, Romance
Blitz Sign-Up: Crazy Scottish Love by Jessie Donovan

Blitz Sign-Up: Crazy Scottish Love by Jessie Donovan

Tired of the online dating scene and her nagging mother, Donella Spencer decides to brave her eccentric extended family and go to stay with them in Scotland for a month. As long as she keeps to herself and avoids her family as much as possible, it should be easy to relax, right? What she didn’t

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Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal
Blitz Sign-Up: Aiding the Dragon by Jessie Donovan

Blitz Sign-Up: Aiding the Dragon by Jessie Donovan

Teagan O’Shea is a rare female dragon-shifter leader. While her Irish clan has a tradition of female leaders, they have always had to hide behind a male face publicly to prevent the other clans from viewing them as weaker and then attacking. When the truth leaks, Teagan is faced with a choice—hand over the leadership

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