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Cover Reveal Sign-Up: The Killmores by Martha Sweeney

The Killmores
Martha Sweeney
(Killmore #2)
Publication date: November 13th 2018
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense


On the run from her past, Laurie is always looking over her shoulder. Though Aiden and she are together, Laurie can’t escape the demons who haunt her. To Laurie, she must keep running to keep the Devil’s beasts off her scent.

Nightmares eventually become reality and Laurie’s thrust face to face with Devil. New players enter the game, people die, truths are revealed, and Laurie is forced to chose: to either fight or give up completely.

While Laurie entrapped by the Devil, can Aiden save the woman he loves–or– will he be outwitted and left with his love dead in his arms?

**NOTE: This book is part of a two (2) book series and should be read AFTER the first installment, “Killmore,” in order to maintain the story’s continuity.

Sequel to:

I am organizing a cover reveal for The Killmores by Martha Sweeney, an Adult Romantic Suspense/Espionage/Spy thriller, designed by author. The reveal is scheduled for Tuesday, September 25th, 2018 (after 12:01AM EST). Social media sites are welcome.

An email with the posting information will be sent to all participants 3 days before the reveal.
HTML will also be provided.