Books and a girl dancing

Blitz Sign Up: Grimm Diaries by Cameron Jace

Grimm Diaries  Cameron Jace Prequels 11-14 Publication date: March 28th 2013 Genre: YA Fantasy/Fairy Tale

10.5) Happy Valentine’s Slay by Wee Willy Winkie The real Sandman Grimm sheds a light on what happened in Jawigi, and tells about how some of the teens in Sorrow spend their Valentine’s Day.

11) Children of Hamlin

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Blitz Sign Up: Sworn to Raise by Terah Edun

Sworn to RaiseTerah Edun Publication date: April 10th 2013by Amazon Digital Genre: YA Fantasy

Seventeen-year-old Ciardis has grown up in poverty, a cleaner in a small vale on the outskirts of the kingdom. But beneath her kingdom’s seemingly idyllic surface lies a hidden secret. Whispers of an inept crown Prince are growing ever

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Cover Reveal Sign Up: Ten Days by Olivia Mayfield

Ten Days  Olivia Mayfield Publication date: May 2013 Genre: New adult/YA crossover sci-fi romance

Seventeen-year-old Cally isn’t like the others. In her society, the Machine caters to every whim, ensuring people don’t have to leave their pods. But Cally and her best friend Marshal find themselves drawn to how things used to be,

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Blitz Sign Up: Going Under by S. Walden

Going UnderS. Walden Publication date: March 19th 2013by Penny PressGenre: NA Contemporary

Brooke Wright has only two goals her senior year at Charity Run High School: stay out of trouble and learn to forgive herself for the past. Forgiveness proves elusive, and trouble finds her anyway when she discovers a secret club at school

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Tour: Runes by Ednah Walters

Runes Ednah Walters Publication date:  May 20th 2013 Genre: YA Paranormal Romance

Seventeen-year-old Raine Cooper has enough on her plate dealing with her father’s disappearance, her mother’s erratic behavior and the possibility of her boyfriend relocating. The last thing she needs is Torin St. James—a mysterious new neighbor with a wicked smile and

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Tour: Why My Love Life Sucks by Shevi Arnold

Why My Love Life Sucks Shevi ArnoldSeries: The Legend of Gilbert the Fixer, #1Publication: February 1st, 2013Genre: Humorous YA Sci-Fi

Gilbert Garfinkle is the ultimate tech geek. He has a compulsive need to take apart, figure out, and fix things; and he dreams of one day fixing the world. But a funny thing happens

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Tour: All the King’s Men by Kat H. Clayton

All the King’s MenKat H. ClaytonSeries: The Kings of Charleston Series, #2Publication: 2013Genre: YA Romantic Suspense

After a certain point, money is meaningless. It ceases to be the goal. The game is what counts.~Aristotle Onassis

There’s a mystery floating in Charleston, South Carolina and it revolves around one word…Kythera. To anyone outside

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Book Blitz Sign Up: Timespell by Diana Paz

TimespellDiana Paz Publication date: April 1st 2013by Rhemalda PublishingGenre: YA Time Travel

In TIMESPELL, the brash and impulsive Julia must team up with her sweet and straight-laced best friend, Angie, and the malicious and power-hungry Kaitlyn in order to keep the witch-like powers of her inheritance. But these powers come at a cost. The girls

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Cover Reveal Sign Up: Passion Potion by Mary Beth Daniels

Passion Potion  Mary Beth DanielsPublication date: May 1st, 2013 Genre: New Adult Paranormal Romance

Jet is a Nix, the daughter of an Enchantress who went outside her bloodlines. No one helps a Nix, and even though her father is in deep trouble with Dei Lucrii, a dark Enchanter who paid her family

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Cover Reveal Sign Up: The Secret Eater by Ros Jackson

The Secret Eater Ros JacksonPublication date: July 15, 2013 Genre: YA Urban Fantasy Adventure (Novella)

Kenssie is a demon who feeds from secrets. Lately pickings have been slim, and she has grown so weak that her shield of invisibility is slipping. As the servant of a demon who eats embarrassment she already feels

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Cover Reveal Sign Up: Dare Me Forever by Paige Edward

Dare Me Forever Paige Edward Publication date: April 2013 Genre: Romance Adult

It’s the beginning of her new life . . .

Twenty-three year old Amy Miller has been responsible for her little brother ever since their dad dropped dead and their mom took off seven years ago. Now that her brother is

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Book Blitz Sign Up: The Only Exception by Magan Vernon

The Only ExceptionMagan VernonPublication date: April 9th 2013by Beautifully Broken Books Genre: NA Romance

Fiercely liberal Monica Remy prefers to blend in. Despite her tattoos, piercings, and outspoken personality, she transferred to Central to escape—before she finds out that her next door neighbor is the uber conservative governor son, Trey Chapman.

No matter

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Book Blitz Sign Up: Hell’s Hollow by Summer Stone

Hell’s HollowSummer StonePublication date:  March 2013 Genre: YA Paranormal

When Seraphina was younger, she healed her best friend’s injured hand. Terrified by the inexplicable cure, the girl shunned her. From that day on, Seraphina found herself without friends, a freak and an oddity. And so she obeyed her mother’s rule to refrain from

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Book Blitz Sign Up: Drowning In You by Rebecca Berto

Drowning In YouRebecca BertoPublication date: April 12th 2013 Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance

Secretly crushing

Crushed by a tragedy

Charlee May’s been crushing on Dexter Hollingworth since she was fifteen. Five years later, a horrific skiing disaster at Mason’s Ski Lift Resort leaves her millionaire dad critically injured and her mom dead at

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Cover Reveal Sign Up: Runes by Ednah Walters

RunesEdnah WaltersPublication date:  May 20th 2013 Genre: YA Paranormal Romance

Seventeen-year-old Raine Cooper has enough on her plate dealing with her father’s disappearance, her mother’s erratic behavior and the possibility of her boyfriend relocating. The last thing she needs is Torin St. James—a mysterious new neighbor with a wicked smile and uncanny way

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Cover Reveal Sign Up: Touching Melody by Eva Xavier

Touching MelodyEva XavierPublication date:  April 2013 Genre: New Adult Contemporary

Maddie Martin’s first weekend at college is nothing like she’s used to. It’s wild, like the wilderness on which the University of Bellam Springs sits. Roped into going to a frat party, she literally runs into Kyle Hadley. The boy she’s loved since

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Tour: Drowning in You by Rebecca Berto

Drowning in YouRebecca BertoPublication date: April 12th 2013 Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance

Secretly crushing

Crushed by a tragedy

Charlee May’s been crushing on Dexter Hollingworth since she was fifteen. Five years later, a horrific skiing disaster at Mason’s Ski Lift Resort leaves her millionaire dad critically injured and her mom dead

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Tour: Rocked by Gina Marie Long

Rocked: A Chelsie Valdar Saga, 1   Gina Marie Long Publication: February 16th 2013 Genre: YA Paranormal Thriller/Urban Fantasy

The Apocalypse is coming…in one week. Chelsie Valdar and her brother are modern-day Viking warrior teenagers. They must find a mystical sword belonging to their ancient ancestor and flee to safety at a secret

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Cover Reveal Sign Up: Bathing Beauties, Booze and Bullets by Ellen Mansoor Collier

Bathing Beauties, Booze and BulletsEllen Mansoor CollierPublication date:  April 2013 Genre: New Adult Jazz Age Mystery

It’s 1927 in Galveston, Texas—the “Sin City of the Southwest.” Jasmine (“Jazz”) Cross is an ambitious 21-year-old society reporter for the Galveston Gazette who tries to be taken seriously by the good-old-boy staff, but the editors only assign

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Book Blitz Sign Up: Arrow of the Mist by Christina Mercer

Arrow of the Mist Christina MercerPublication date: March 21st 2013 Genre: YA Fantasy

Terror strikes the Celtic inspired kingdom of Nemetona when barbed roots breach the veil of a forbidden land and poison woodsmen, including 15-year-old Lia’s beloved father. Lia and three others embark on a quest to the forbidden land of Brume

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Cover Reveal Sign Up: Twisted Summer by Lucy V. Morgan

Twisted SummerLucy V. MorganPublication date:  March 31st 2013 Genre: Dark New Adult Romance

You have to understand that we never meant for it to happen. We knew it was stupid. We knew it was wrong.

Eighteen-year-old Danni Warren has big plans for her last summer before college: a cool job, a concert she

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Tour: Renhala by Amy Joy Lutchen

Renhala  Amy Joy Lutchen Series: Renhala #1 Publication: September 27th 2012Genre: Adult Fantasy

Kailey Rooke, timid accountant, dedicated to philanthropic work, finds herself spiraling into a deep depression after she suffers a horrifyingly odd and humiliating assault, to only discover more of these freakish assaults occurring across the globe.

A chance discovery leads

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Cover Reveal Sign Up: Alaskan Nights by Nadia Scrieva

Alaskan NightsNadia ScrievaPublication date:  March 2013 Genre: New Adult Contemporary

When Brynne left Alaska, she promised herself she would never go back.

The day after graduation, she got in her beat-up Honda Civic and drove down the west coast to pursue her dream of becoming a Hollywood makeup artist. Growing up in a

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