Books and a girl dancing
Erotica, Fantasy
Blitz Sign-Up: The Templars Falter by Holly Blackstone

Blitz Sign-Up: The Templars Falter by Holly Blackstone

Julianna Foss, full fledged Templar, finds herself in an impossible situation. The High Templar and Julianna’s lover, Tristan, seemed about to commit himself to their relationship when he became entranced with Iris, the lone survivor of the attack on Hayden’s Gate. The thrall he and many of the other Templars are under is unnatural and

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Fantasy, New Adult
Blitz Sign-Up: Bound by Duty by Stormy Smith

Blitz Sign-Up: Bound by Duty by Stormy Smith

Amelia grew up in a world of half-truths. She knows she’s an Elder but has no idea what that means. Her father reminds her daily that she must maintain control but he refuses to explain why. Even worse, she’s betrothed to the prince of the Immortals and she doesn’t even know his name. Finally breaking

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Fantasy, Young Adult
Review Opportunity: Elemental Secrets by Elle Middaugh

Review Opportunity: Elemental Secrets by Elle Middaugh

Valerie Moore was a beautiful, headstrong girl with below-average social skills and above-average anxiety (including a flair for over-analyzing). With her mother long deceased, and her father recently deployed, she ends up being sent to live with her eccentric aunt in a tiny town nestled in the mountains of Pennsylvania. But, being a Navy brat

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Fantasy, Young Adult
Trailer Reveal Sign-Up: Brewer Archives by Meisha Camm

Trailer Reveal Sign-Up: Brewer Archives by Meisha Camm

Ophelia Brewer’s life was embarked by numerous strange occurrences which her parents shrugged off as innocent coincidences. The capabilities of healing, foreseeing the future, traveling through time in the present, soaring in the air and possessing remarkable physical strength manifested early in her life. She was submerged into layers of mystery and self-discovery. She uncovered

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Dystopian, Fantasy, Young Adult
Blitz Sign-Up: Midnight Sky by Amy Braun

Blitz Sign-Up: Midnight Sky by Amy Braun

There are secrets, there are betrayals, and there are sacrifices… The Behemoth has been destroyed, and the bloodthirsty Hellions seem to have left Westraven. But Claire Abernathy’s mind is not at ease. A terrible disease plagues her sister, appearing to have been brought on the Vesper, the leader of the Hellions beyond the tear between

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Fantasy, New Adult
Blitz Sign-Up: The Dreamer by E.J. Mellow

Blitz Sign-Up: The Dreamer by E.J. Mellow

THE DREAMER has been awarded a Silver for Best Fantasy/Science Fiction from the eLit Book Awards & a Finalist medal for Best Cover Design from the Next Generation Indie Book Awards. It’s night. Always night. Dreams guard against the evil forged by nightmares. Infinite shooting stars illuminate a moonless sky. A city stands alone, surrounded

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Fantasy, Young Adult
Tour: Fall of Thrones and Thorns by Jennifer Ellision

Tour: Fall of Thrones and Thorns by Jennifer Ellision

War hurtles in, a typhoon over the sea. After Bree’s life was torn apart, Nereidium had represented a haven to her. A place that—if she could save it—was beyond the King’s reach. And, at last, she’s arrived upon its shores. But things in Nereidium are not what they should be. The land is plagued by

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Fantasy, Young Adult
Review Opportunity: Sun and Moon by Desiree Williams

Review Opportunity: Sun and Moon by Desiree Williams

There is nothing in life that eighteen year old Zara craves more than her freedom. Stolen from her home in Cadrebia at the age of eight, Zara has spent more years than she cared to admit as a slave to the Tankadesh courts. Her days are filled with protecting the princess, while she spends nights

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Fantasy, Young Adult
Blitz Sign-Up: Ice Crypt by Tiana Warner

Blitz Sign-Up: Ice Crypt by Tiana Warner

From award-winning author Tiana Warner comes the sequel to Ice Massacre, the #1 Amazon Kindle Best Seller. Meela has just returned from the Massacre—the annual attempt to wipe out the mermaids threatening her people’s survival. After forming an unlikely connection with Lysi, a mermaid she was trained to kill, Meela is determined to stop the

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Fantasy, Young Adult
Tour: Blood of the Prophet by Kat Ross

Tour: Blood of the Prophet by Kat Ross

Visionary. Alchemist. Savior. Saint. The Prophet Zarathustra has been called many things. Now he spends his time drawing pictures of weird-looking goats. That’s what happens when you’ve been stuck in a prison cell for two hundred years. But the man who might be mad, and is definitely supposed to be dead, has suddenly become very

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Fantasy, Young Adult
Tour: A Mortal Song by Megan Crewe

Tour: A Mortal Song by Megan Crewe

Sora’s life was full of magic—until she discovered it was all a lie. Heir to Mt. Fuji’s spirit kingdom, Sora yearns to finally take on the sacred kami duties. But just as she confronts her parents to make a plea, a ghostly army invades the mountain. Barely escaping with her life, Sora follows her mother’s

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Fantasy, Young Adult
Cover Reveal Sign-Up: Secret Project by Megan Crewe

Cover Reveal Sign-Up: Secret Project by Megan Crewe

Description to be revealed August 11, 2016. Mailing list subscribers get a sneak peak!                  

THE COVER REVEAL: I am organizing a cover & description reveal for Megan Crewe’s secret project book, a standalone YA contemporary fantasy: spirits and magic, sword-fighting and uncovered secrets. The reveal

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Fantasy, Young Adult
Cover Reveal Sign-Up: Acca by Christina Bauer

Cover Reveal Sign-Up: Acca by Christina Bauer

In just one week, supernatural warrior Myla Lewis must discover enough evidence to send the evil House of Acca to prison… or she’ll end up in jail herself, along with her fiancé, Prince Lincoln. No pressure. To gather proof, Myla and Lincoln go undercover at an all-girl’s high school on Earth. Lincoln acts as the

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Fantasy, Romance, Young Adult
Review Opportunity: Somniare by D.T. Dyllin

Review Opportunity: Somniare by D.T. Dyllin

Remy Novem was murdered… But she didn’t die. Forced to escape to Somniare, a dream landscape, Remy must somehow survive living nightmares, and endless torment without using her magic. Her only hope for freedom is to hitch a ride with a human back into reality, tricking the poor creature into believing no harm will befall

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Fantasy, Young Adult
Blitz Sign-Up: The Last of the Firedrakes by Farah Oomerbhoy

Blitz Sign-Up: The Last of the Firedrakes by Farah Oomerbhoy

16-year-old Aurora Darlington is an orphan. Mistreated by her adopted family and bullied at school, she dreams of running away and being free. But when she is kidnapped and dragged through a portal into a magical world, suddenly her old life doesn’t seem so bad. Avalonia is a dangerous land ruled by powerful mages and

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Adult, Fantasy, Historical
Tour: Song of Princes by Janell Rhiannon

Tour: Song of Princes by Janell Rhiannon

Sing Muse. Sing of the shining citadel of Troy rising from the hot sands of Asia. Sing of the Greek palaces ascending from their rocky hilltops. Sing of one woman’s dream heralding the madness of men and the murder of innocents. From bull dancing rings and wild meadows, the Forgotten Prince must choose between love

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Fantasy, Romance, Young Adult
Blitz Sign-Up: Somniare by D.T. Dyllin

Blitz Sign-Up: Somniare by D.T. Dyllin

Remy Novem was murdered… But she didn’t die. Forced to escape to Somniare, a dream landscape, Remy must somehow survive living nightmares, and endless torment without using her magic. Her only hope for freedom is to hitch a ride with a human back into reality, tricking the poor creature into believing no harm will befall

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Fantasy, Historical, Young Adult
Blitz Sign-Up: The King in the Stone by Carmen Ferreiro-Esteban

Blitz Sign-Up: The King in the Stone by Carmen Ferreiro-Esteban

A full moon, A silver key, And the unbending passion of two young lovers will bring hope to a defeated kingdom and, through their sorrow, deliver a king who will change its fate. Vivid visions have haunted Andrea since her arrival in northern Spain. In her visions, the ruins of the medieval village she’s excavating

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Fantasy, Young Adult
Review Opportunity: The Sound of the Stones by Beth Hammond

Review Opportunity: The Sound of the Stones by Beth Hammond

The ancient book about the past holds the future. Frankie is the key. She doesn’t remember stopping at the used bookstore, but there she stands as if drawn by an unseen force. Anticipation wraps around her like a cocoon. When she opens the door, the wind nudges her through, and expectancy turns to purpose. The

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Dystopian, Fantasy, Young Adult
Tour: The Rhodi Saga by Megan Linski

Tour: The Rhodi Saga by Megan Linski

Flight. Hyperspeed. Clairvoyance. These are some of the powers gifted to the Rhodi, an ancient sect of assassins who defend Crescentia, a dystopian world with a dying hope. Dyliana Fairsson is one of them. After losing her parents to a suspicious accident, she and her twin brother, Devin, join the Rhodi to avoid starvation. Under

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Fantasy, Historical, Young Adult
Cover Reveal Sign-Up: The King in the Stone by Carmen Ferreiro-Esteban

Cover Reveal Sign-Up: The King in the Stone by Carmen Ferreiro-Esteban

A full moon, A silver key, And the unbending passion of two young lovers will bring hope to a defeated kingdom and, through their sorrow, deliver a king who will change its fate. Vivid visions have haunted Andrea since her arrival in northern Spain. In her visions, the ruins of the medieval village she’s excavating

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Fantasy, Young Adult
Blitz Sign-Up: Such A Daring Endeavor by Cortney Pearson

Blitz Sign-Up: Such A Daring Endeavor by Cortney Pearson

Hope only fades if you allow it to… Now that Talon Haraway has been taken captive by the Arcaians, Ambry knows it’s only a matter of time before he is executed. But to make matters worse, she must go against her once-best-friend, Gwynn Hawkes, to free him. Whether Ambry likes it or not, drinking those

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Fantasy, Young Adult
Cover Reveal Sign-Up: Fall of Thrones and Thorns by Jennifer Ellision

Cover Reveal Sign-Up: Fall of Thrones and Thorns by Jennifer Ellision

War hurtles in, a typhoon over the sea. After Bree’s life was torn apart, Nereidium had represented a haven to her. A place that—if she could save it—was beyond the King’s reach. And, at last, she’s arrived upon its shores. But things in Nereidium are not what they should be. The land is plagued by

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Fantasy, New Adult
Blitz Sign-Up: The Exiled Seven by Blake Renworth

Blitz Sign-Up: The Exiled Seven by Blake Renworth

When Alariq is exiled from his home city-state for a crime he did not commit, only six stand by his side, convinced of his innocence and steadfast in their loyalty. The seven dwarfs must set out from Ishtara to look for a new place to call home, but in doing so, they make a discovery

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