Books and a girl dancing
Dystopian, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Blitz Sign-Up: Dawn of the Vie by Laura Diamond

Blitz Sign-Up: Dawn of the Vie by Laura Diamond

Since their Arrival less than 30 years ago, immortal Vie rule the planet like the super-predators they are. Enslaved humans are their servants…their entertainment…and their food. Anemies—humans with various types of anemia—are simply exterminated. Their nutritionally deficient blood is useless to the Vie. Or so it’s thought… _________ Alex, an Elite Vie, is a bit

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Dystopian, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Cover Reveal Sign-Up: Dawn of the Vie by Laura Diamond

Cover Reveal Sign-Up: Dawn of the Vie by Laura Diamond

Since their Arrival less than 30 years ago, immortal Vie rule the planet like the super-predators they are. Enslaved humans are their servants…their entertainment…and their food. Anemies—humans with various types of anemia—are simply exterminated. Their nutritionally deficient blood is useless to the Vie. Or so it’s thought… _________ Alex, an Elite Vie, is a bit

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Dystopian, Fantasy, Young Adult
Cover Reveal Sign-Up: Dimension Drift Prequel 1 by Christina Bauer

Cover Reveal Sign-Up: Dimension Drift Prequel 1 by Christina Bauer

Truth time. I go to a Learning Squirrel High School. Don’t judge. On second thought, judge away. Learning Squirrel is one step above attending class in a junkyard. But what do you expect? Everything’s made out of garbage these days. At least, I have my freelance work to keep Mom and me housed, clothed, and

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Dystopian, New Adult, Supernatural
Blitz Sign-Up: Soul Finder by Jacinta Maree

Blitz Sign-Up: Soul Finder by Jacinta Maree

Since being discovered as Soulless, Nadia has become a target for both terrorist groups and government corporations. Now, her only hope for survival rests in the hands of the man sent out to kill her: Diesel, the Mad Dog terrorist. Diesel is determined to free himself of the never ending curse of reincarnation and the

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Dystopian, New Adult, Supernatural
Tour: Soul Finder by Jacinta Maree

Tour: Soul Finder by Jacinta Maree

Since being discovered as Soulless, Nadia has become a target for both terrorist groups and government corporations. Now, her only hope for survival rests in the hands of the man sent out to kill her: Diesel, the Mad Dog terrorist. Diesel is determined to free himself of the never ending curse of reincarnation and the

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Dystopian, Young Adult
Blitz Sign-Up: The Surrendered by Case Maynard

Blitz Sign-Up: The Surrendered by Case Maynard

After a financial collapse devastates the United States, the new government imposes a tax on the nation’s most valuable resource—the children. Surrendered at age ten—after her parents could no longer afford her exorbitant fees—Vee Delancourt has spent six hard years at the Mills, alongside her twin, Oliver. With just a year to freedom, they do

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Dystopian, New Adult, Science Fiction
Tour: Autonomy by Jude Houghton

Tour: Autonomy by Jude Houghton

Balmoral Murraine works in a Battery, assembling devices she doesn’t understand for starvation pay. Pasco Eborgersen is the pampered son of an Elite, trying to navigate the temptations of the Pleasure Houses, the self-sacrifice of the Faith, and the high-octane excitement of Steel Ball. They are two strangers, who never should have met, and now

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Dystopian, New Adult, Supernatural
Cover Reveal Sign-Up: Soul Finder by Jacinta Maree

Cover Reveal Sign-Up: Soul Finder by Jacinta Maree

Since being discovered as Soulless, Nadia has become a target for both terrorist groups and government corporations. Now, her only hope for survival rests in the hands of the man sent out to kill her: Diesel, the Mad Dog terrorist. Diesel is determined to free himself of the never ending curse of reincarnation and the

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Dystopian, Young Adult
Review Opportunity: Moonchild by Kate L. Mary

Review Opportunity: Moonchild by Kate L. Mary

In a world fueled by greed and corruption, where airships rule the skies and coal mines have been turned into prisons, Scarlett Moon has one goal: Survive. Being tough and looking out for herself is the only way to stay alive, but when her best friend, Rory, is arrested and returned to the mines, all

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Dystopian, Young Adult
Blitz Sign-Up: Defective by B. Austin

Blitz Sign-Up: Defective by B. Austin

In a society where rebels are unwanted, the Outcasts have their own underground world. What type of society applies the word Defective to healthy young humans? IT IS ALMOST A PERFECT WORLD. One government rules earth—the Commonwealth and one people—the Commoners. The pure society of the Commonwealth has but one contamination, the 1%, the Outcasts—rebellious

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Dystopian, Fantasy, Young Adult
Blitz Sign-Up: Midnight Sky by Amy Braun

Blitz Sign-Up: Midnight Sky by Amy Braun

There are secrets, there are betrayals, and there are sacrifices… The Behemoth has been destroyed, and the bloodthirsty Hellions seem to have left Westraven. But Claire Abernathy’s mind is not at ease. A terrible disease plagues her sister, appearing to have been brought on the Vesper, the leader of the Hellions beyond the tear between

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Dystopian, Romance, Young Adult
Review Opportunity: Under Ground by Alice Rachel

Review Opportunity: Under Ground by Alice Rachel

Love is a taboo, a mere fantasy— foreign, unreachable, and dangerous. Raised in a society where women have no rights, seventeen-year-old Thia Clay holds little hope for a bright future. When her parents sell her into marriage to elite member William Fox, Thia slowly gives in to despair. William is nothing but a cruel, selfish

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Dystopian, Thriller, Young Adult
Review Opportunity: The Departed by Kristy Cooper

Review Opportunity: The Departed by Kristy Cooper

What if someone tried to fake the rapture? When hundreds of thousands of people disappear in the middle of the night, including sixteen-year-old Gwen’s best friend Lana, no one knows why. Some believe they were taken in the rapture, while others are convinced that it can’t be true. Doomsday prophecies abound that involve horrifying tales

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Dystopian, Fantasy, Young Adult
Tour: The Rhodi Saga by Megan Linski

Tour: The Rhodi Saga by Megan Linski

Flight. Hyperspeed. Clairvoyance. These are some of the powers gifted to the Rhodi, an ancient sect of assassins who defend Crescentia, a dystopian world with a dying hope. Dyliana Fairsson is one of them. After losing her parents to a suspicious accident, she and her twin brother, Devin, join the Rhodi to avoid starvation. Under

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Dystopian, Paranormal, Young Adult
Blitz Sign-Up: Wings of War by Karen Ann Hopkins

Blitz Sign-Up: Wings of War by Karen Ann Hopkins

There are descendants of angels walking among us. Ember is one of them. Embers is an epic paranormal adventure/romance about a seventeen year old girl who discovers that she’s immune to fire and any other injury when she’s in a horrific car crash that kills her parents. Following a violent episode with her aunt’s boyfriend,

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Dystopian, Young Adult
Tour: The Dream Protocol: Descent by Adara Flynn Quick

Tour: The Dream Protocol: Descent by Adara Flynn Quick

WHATEVER YOU DO, DON’T GET OLD. In fiery young Deirdre Callaghan’s home of Skellig City, no one has dreamt their own dream in over a thousand years. Dreams are produced by the Dream Makers and sold by the Ministry, the tyrannical rulers of the city. In Skellig City, years of life are awarded equally and

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Dystopian, New Adult
Cover Reveal Sign-Up: Duality by J. Kowallis

Cover Reveal Sign-Up: Duality by J. Kowallis

Book 3 of THE ENERTIA TRIALS Trust No One. In this world, nothing is as it seems . . . Reggie’s visions turn to horrifying hallucinations. For weeks she’s tortured with starvation and nightmares that vex her resolve. Her only companion is a mysterious shadow—a figure with no shape, no substance—that seems to have a

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Dystopian, Young Adult
Review Opportunity: Defective by B. Austin

Review Opportunity: Defective by B. Austin

In a society where rebels are unwanted, the Outcasts have their own underground world. What type of society applies the word Defective to healthy young humans? IT IS ALMOST A PERFECT WORLD. One government rules earth—the Commonwealth and one people—the Commoners. The pure society of the Commonwealth has but one contamination, the 1%, the Outcasts—rebellious

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Dystopian, Young Adult
Cover Reveal Sign-Up: 5 Chances by B. Austin

Cover Reveal Sign-Up: 5 Chances by B. Austin

Ivory vows to find out more about what is going on at Dead Horse Bay but she wrecked the Renegade and must find a rogue replacement, a fixer-upper boat someone threw away a long time ago. Ivory is a Smuggler, a member of one of the Outcast underground groups of New York City. Ivory is

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Dystopian, Young Adult
Tour: There Once Were Stars by Melanie McFarlane

Tour: There Once Were Stars by Melanie McFarlane

Peace. Love. Order. Dome. That’s the motto that the Order has given the residents of Dome 1618 to live by. Natalia Greyes is a resident of Dome 1618, a covered city protected from the deadly radiation that has poisoned the world outside for four generations. Nat never questioned the Order, until one day she sees

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Dystopian, Paranormal, Young Adult
Cover Reveal Sign-Up: Shaman’s Curse by Suzannah Daniels

Cover Reveal Sign-Up: Shaman’s Curse by Suzannah Daniels

Maylin Kavanagh is on a mission. After escaping the Warwick Vampires, she’s sworn that the only thing that can stand between her and reaching St. Louis for the next phase of The Program is death itself. Determined to discover her purpose, her allegiance is with the human race. But the humans aren’t the only ones

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Dystopian, New Adult
Blitz Sign-Up: State of Fear by Summer Lane

Blitz Sign-Up: State of Fear by Summer Lane

The world has gone nuclear, and the militias have met their first major defeat. Torn and desperate, Cassidy Hart and her team make a difficult decision to relocate their forces to the cold, barren wilderness of Alaska. In the snowy mountains of the Gates of the Arctic, Yukon City has become a stronghold for survivors

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Dystopian, Fantasy, Young Adult
Review Opportunity: Crimson Sky & Midnight Sky by Amy Braun

Review Opportunity: Crimson Sky & Midnight Sky by Amy Braun

They’re always watching. They’re always waiting. They’re always starving… Ten years ago, the sky shattered and the Hellions emerged. No one was able to keep them from destroying the city of Westraven. Now that the bloodthirsty monsters rule the skies and have forced the few remaining humans underground, Claire Abernathy lives in a nightmare. She

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Dystopian, Young Adult
Blitz Sign-Up: The Dream Protocol: Descent by Adara Flynn Quick

Blitz Sign-Up: The Dream Protocol: Descent by Adara Flynn Quick

WHATEVER YOU DO, DON’T GET OLD. In fiery young Deirdre Callaghan’s home of Skellig City, no one has dreamt their own dream in over a thousand years. Dreams are produced by the Dream Makers and sold by the Ministry, the tyrannical rulers of the city. In Skellig City, years of life are awarded equally and

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